
This syllabus is still under development and is subject to change.

Show all lecture descriptions

Week Lecture Date Topic Lab Discussion Homework
1 1 8/29/19

Course Overview, Making Decisions Under Uncertainty [slides]


2 2 9/3/19

Review of Frequentist and Bayesian Decision-Making [slides]

3 9/5/19

False Discovery Rate Control [slides]

3 4 9/10/19

Online FDR I [slides]

  • HW1 due
  • HW2 released
5 9/12/19

Online FDR II & Permutation Testing [slides]

4 6 9/17/19

Probability Interpretation of Linear Models [slides]

7 9/19/19

Probability Interpretation of Logistic Models [slides]

5 8 9/24/19

Bayesian Hierarchical Models I

  • HW2 due
  • HW3 released
9 9/26/19

Bayesian Hierarchical Models II

6 10 10/1/19

Gibbs Sampling and Importance Sampling

11 10/3/19

Intervals for Estimation (Confidence and Credible) [slides]

7 12 10/8/19

Confidence Intervals from Chernoff/Hoeffding

  • HW3 due
  • HW4 released
13 10/10/19

Lecture Cancelled

8 14 10/15/19

Causal Inference I

15 10/17/19


9 16 10/22/19

Causal Inference II

17 10/24/19

Rudiments of Experimental Design [slides]

10 18 10/29/19

Bandits I [slides]

  • HW4 due (10/26/19)
  • HW5 released
19 10/31/19

Bandits II

11 20 11/5/19

Control I [slides]

21 11/7/19

Control II

12 22 11/12/19

Matching Markets [slides]

23 11/14/19

Nonparametric Methods I [slides]

13 24 11/19/19

Nonparametric Methods II

25 11/21/19

Privacy I [slides]

14 26 11/26/19

Privacy II [slides]

27 11/28/19


15 28 12/3/19

Real-World Consequences of Decisions

  • Project Part 1 Due
29 12/5/19

Communication: Presenting Results and Conclusions [slides]

16 30 12/10/19

RRR week

31 12/12/19

RRR week

17 32 12/17/19

Final Exam

33 12/19/19