About this Course
Data, Inference, and Decisions
This course develops the probabilistic foundations of inference in data science. It builds a comprehensive view of the decision-making and modeling life cycle in data science, including its human, social, and ethical implications. Topics include: frequentist and Bayesian decision-making, permutation testing, false discovery rate, probabilistic interpretations of models, Bayesian hierarchical models, basics of experimental design, confidence intervals, causal inference, robustness, Thompson sampling, optimal control, Q-learning, differential privacy, fairness in classification, recommendation systems and an introduction to machine learning tools including decision trees, neural networks and ensemble methods.
This class is listed as Data 102.
Course email address
If you are requesting extensions or if you have personal concerns, please contact us via the email address above.
All course announcements will be made on Ed.
Important Information
Lecture: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM remote on Zoom. See Ed posts (link coming soon) for the zoom link. Lecture videos will be recorded and links will be available on the course website within a few hours after lecture.
Discussion session: Wednesdays in-person (with virtual sessions for those unable to be on campus: more info TBA). See Ed posts (link coming soon) for more information on this. Attendance is highly encouraged but not mandatory.
Lab: Mondays in-person (with virtual sessions for those unable to be on campus: more info TBA). You can complete lab assignments on your own time, but you are highly encouraged to attend lab sessions to work with your classmates and get help from the staff.
Contacting Course Staff: The best way to contact course staff is using Ed, using a private post as needed: we’ll be checking it regularly and should respond to most questions within a day or less. If you need to reach out to course staff and Ed isn’t suitable, you can email [data102@berkeley.edu], and you should get a response within a few days. Please avoid emailing professors or GSIs directly!
Office Hours Schedules
Please see Ed posts for Zoom links for remote OHs.
For official holidays see the academic calendar.
While we are working to make this class widely accessible we currently require the following (or equivalent) prerequisites :
Principles and Techniques of Data Science: DS100 covers important computational and statistical skills that will be necessary for DS102.
Probability: Probability and Random Processes EECS126, or Concepts of Probability STAT134, or Probability for Data Science STAT140, or Probability and Risk Analysis for Engineers IEOR172. EECS126 and STAT140 are prefered. These courses cover the probabilistic tools that will form the underpinning for the concepts covered in DS102.
Math: Linear Algebra & Differential Equations Math54, or Linear Algebra MATH110, or both Designing Information Devices and Systems I EE16A and Designing Information Devices and Systems II EE16B, or Linear Algebra for Data Science Stat89a, or Introduction to Mathematical Physics PHYSICS89. We will need some basic concepts like linear operators, eigenvectors, derivatives, and integrals to enable statistical inference and derive new prediction algorithms.
Main Instructors

Disc: Wednesdays 10pm-11pm @ Evans 9, 12pm-1pm @ Virtual, 1pm-2pm @ Evans 9
Lab: Mondays 12pm-1pm @ Hearst Field Annex B5, 1pm-2pm @ Etcheverry 3108
OH: Mondays 2pm-3pm @ Moffitt 145, Wednesdays 6pm-7pm @ Virtual

Disc: Wednesdays 3pm-4pm @ Evans 3, 4pm-5pm @ Wheeler 202
Lab: Mondays 3pm-4pm @ Virtual, 4pm-5pm @ Virtual
OH: Fridays 3pm-5pm @ Moffitt 145

Disc: Wednesdays 2pm-3pm @ Evans 70
Lab: Mondays 4pm-5pm @ Etcheverry 3111
OH: Mondays 5pm-6pm @ Virtual, Thursdays 10am-11am @ Virtual

Disc: Wednesdays 9am-10am @ Hearst Field Annex B5, 7pm-8pm @ Virtual
Lab: Mondays 9am-10am @ Hearst Field Annex B5
OH: Tuesdays 9am-11am @ Virtual, Fridays 12pm-2pm @ Moffitt 145

Disc: Wednesdays 12-1pm @ Virtual
Lab: Mondays 10am-12pm @ Evans B6
OH: Thursdays 7-9pm PT @ Virtual